Friday, May 22, 2009

In which Aubrey tries to make decent food and goes vegan

So I decided to start blogging. However, not having the most interesting post-grad life and being slightly left brained I felt I needed a topic to write about. So I chose that thing I love most . . . food. This came out of my love of the trailer for Julie and Julia and the fact that I got a giant cookbook for Easter. I'm going to try and randomly select a recipe each week to make. I'll post pictures and write interesting tangents as they come.

Also, I've decided to try being a vegan. But only during the day during the work week. Mainly I'm doing this because it's better for me and environmentally friendly. Plus I like strict rules for diets and challenges and have been exposed to Skinny Bitch. I figure I'll eat anything once and you can all watch the hilarity I'm sure will ensue. Especially when I try to feed Graham leftovers.

So I guess to start this blog off right I'll give you the first of what I'm sure will be many vegan anecdotes. I found a recipe for the something that looks like a decent lunch this week. Unfortunately it is vegetarian not vegan having Monterrey Jack cheese (delicious delicious cheese, how I'll miss you during the day). So today I ventured to Whole Foods to buy that which dare not speak it's name: vegan cheese! When the main selling point on the packaging is "It melts!" you get a little suspicious. I also made the mistake of reading the ingredients I stopped after pressed Canola oil. I tried some and it was kind of like what cheese would taste like if the person who made it had never actually eaten cheese, just read about it. I'm hoping it will taste better when I melt it into the casserole. You have that to look forward in the next post! Always leave your audience wanting more.

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